Monday, July 26, 2010

Sean Penn: Journalists who call Hugo Chávez a tyrant should be locked up World headlines

Sean Penn

Sean Penn, pictured, pronounced publisher who dirty the Venezuelan boss should be punished. Photograph: Carolyn Kaster/AP

Sean Penn has shielded Hugo Chávez as a indication democrat and pronounced those who call him a tyrant should be jailed.

The Oscar-winning actress and domestic romantic indicted the US media of staining Venezuela"s revolutionary boss and called for reporters to be punished.

"Every day, this inaugurated personality is called a tyrant here, and we only accept it, and accept it. And this is mainstream media. There should be a club by that one goes to jail for these kinds of lies."

Penn, who has visited Chávez in Caracas, pronounced Venezuela"s bad infancy had frankly embraced his revolutionary revolution, but that this perspective was secluded from Americans.

"We are hypnotised by the media. Who do you know here who"s left by fourteen of the majority pure elections on the globe, and has been inaugurated democratically, as Hugo Chávez?"

Penn, vocalization on Bill Maher"s HBO chatshow, is piece of a small but outspoken pro-Chávez Hollywood organisation that includes Oliver Stone and Danny Glover.

They have remained indifferent even as Venezuela"s personality has lost fans at home and abroad. Inflation, crime and H2O and physical phenomenon shortages have strike his recognition and led to defections from his revolutionary party.

The Organisation of American States not long ago indicted Chávez of dogmatism and authoritarianism, and a Spanish decider indicted Venezuela of cosseting Farc and Eta terrorists, sparking a tactful squabble with Madrid.

Chávez thanked Penn for his await in what he pronounced was a every day conflict for open opinion.

"I was celebration of the mass the declarations from the crony Sean Penn, the important American actor," he told a televised convene in Caracas. "Penn shielded what he considers to be the truth."

The Hollywood star was an fan in the bid to opposite a debate to "confuse" Venezuelans, pronounced the president, who has been in energy for eleven years. "From here I appreciate you really much."

Other luminary endorsements have come from the linguist and bard Noam Chomsky and indication Naomi Campbell.

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